Truth and Justice: A Call to Action
Truth and Justice: A Call to Action

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:32
In a world fraught with injustice, this callout is for anyone who may hold evidence that could free an innocent person or lead to their freedom. The decision to come forward isn't easy, but amidst the uncertainty of today, how confident are you that you'll live to a ripe old age? If you don't, the knowledge you hold goes with you forever, never benefiting the innocent person you could have freed.
Consider the added risk to those wrongfully imprisoned—such as contracting COVID-19, which has recently ravaged our nation's prisons. Without someone stepping forward, wrongfully convicted individuals will know freedom only in their heart and mind, never experiencing the joys of walking on a sandy beach or fresh-cut grass. Meanwhile, the actual guilty party roams free, potentially committing more crimes and creating new victims.
The Hidden Plague of Wrongful Convictions
Wrongful convictions can occur for numerous reasons, with the latest being Coerced Corroboration. This insidious practice happens when police or prosecutors threaten witnesses or promise them favorable outcomes to elicit desired responses. For example, in Crosley Green's case, prosecutors threatened his sister with the loss of her children—a common tactic—unless she gave the testimony they scripted. Sometimes, police drop pending criminal charges in exchange for testimony that bolsters their case.
Circumstances may have changed since you obtained this information: laws, your social standing, marital status, financial situation, or socioeconomic environment. Or perhaps vital details have shifted, such as addresses, deaths, or children growing up and becoming independent.

A Moral Imperative to Act
If you possess information that could reveal the truth and set an innocent person free, consider the broader impact. Is holding onto this information still worth it? Imagine it was your child or yourself that this information could help. The wrongful convictions community now has resources to help you navigate potential risks like perjury or self-incrimination.
Even if this doesn't apply to you, please share this message. You never know who might hold crucial information, possibly forgotten over the years, or who might be inspired to come forward after reading this.

A Prayer for Strength and Courage
Dear Heavenly God,
I pray for those reading this—whether they hold vital information or know someone who does—that You grant them the strength and courage to do the right thing, and that law enforcement and all government players handle it justly, with the grace and mercy they seek from You. We pray that by coming forward, they will understand through Your hand that sharing this information is both just and honorable. "Give, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you" (Luke 6:38). In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.