Facebook Posts
On September 5, 2011, Misook Nowlin murdered her mother-in-law Linda Tyda. A macabre murder involving her 6-year old son, Donovan Wang for which she is now serving a 55-year sentence. Listen to episode 7 of Suspect Convictions, hosted by Willis Kern and Scott Reeder as they ponder the similarities between the two crimes, committed 13 years apart; Christina McNeil and Linda Tyda. https://wglt.org/.../suspect-convictions-episode-7-unusual-cri...

Can you imagine how lonely it must be to be imprisoned? Because I can't. I can't fathom the loneliness that must overcome the wrongfully convicted day after day. Please consider joining #TeamBart and supporting Bart until we bring him home.


Justice for Christina...In order for Christina McNeil to finally see justice, her actual murderer, MiSook Nowlin, would have to be found guilty and her father, Bart McNeil, released from prison at last. You might think it could be difficult to find Nowlin after all this time but actually that couldn't be further from the truth. She's currently serving 55 years in prison at Logan Correctional Center in Lincoln, IL for a different, yet far too similar murder. That's right...another murder. And it's a very rare and specific type of murder at that. According to John Douglas, Co-Founder of the BAU in Quantico, VA, it's called "indirect retaliatory psychopathic behavior," and it means that the murderer doesn't kill the person they are angry at but rather someone the person they are angry at loves; most likely so they can watch them suffer the loss. This type of psychopathic behavior rarely escalates to murder; it's usually directed towards property or in some cases pets. So let's clarify...either Bart McNeil killed his daughter and just by chance happened to be dating a woman who would also go on to also become a murderer, oh and with the exact same rare type of MO; OR MiSook killed them both...which one makes more sense to you? Have you ever heard of Occam's razor? "That which is most likely, is true...when you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras." If we take this one step further, it's fair to say that had the Bloomington Police Department arrested the right suspect in the first place, Linda Wenlan Tyda, MiSook's second murder victim, would be alive today. To read more on this from Bart himself, go to:

As we move forward with the compelling story of Bart McNeil's innocence, stay up-to-date with events as they unfold by joining Team Bart. If you wish to be notified regarding upcoming court filings/petitions/trials/rulings, etc., send your contact info to: wrongfuconvictionsnews@gmail.com or go to https://wrongfulconvictionsnews.webnode.com/l/join-team-ba.../

As we move forward with the compelling story of Bart McNeil's innocence, stay up-to-date with events as they unfold by joining Team Bart. If you wish to be notified regarding upcoming court filings/petitions/trials/rulings, etc., send your contact info to:
wrongfuconvictionsnews@gmail.com or go to https://wrongfulconvictionsnews.webnode.com/l/join-team-ba.../

Did you frequent or work at the Red Lobster in the late 1990s? Do you remember any of these people: Lang Wilson, Laura Bunting and brother Bunting, Dan Livers, Marilyn, bartender Jeff, Douglas, Yuman, Terry, manager Donna, Brenda, dishwasher Joseph, Laura, line cook Chris? Or anyone else from that era? Do you know where they are or how to get in touch with them?

Justice for Christina = Freedom for Bart

Please support Bart in his fight for Justice for his daughter, Christina, and exoneration for his wrongful conviction.

If you feel that Bart McNeil is wrongfully convicted and should either be granted a new trial or freed from prison, please sign our petition. Thank You! Sign Petition Here!
A Letter from Bart
Thank you for visiting this Facebook page and sharing your remarks. After many years of cold lonely darkness, today my heart is warmed and my spirits brightened as so many have expressed your concern, foremost, over the killing of my daughter, Christina, and the long-running injustice suffered by her to this day. Paid for instead by my two-decade wrongful conviction, and paid for by the life of 2011 Bloomington serial killer murder victim, Wenlan Tyda, at the same hands of Christina's long-transparently obvious true murderer, to date those who stole my child's life have paid no penalty for her killing. A significant consolation, I'm pleased that, no matter my own fate, the truth of the matter is now so widely known to all - despite the best efforts to the contrary on the part of depraved Nowlin-friendly authorities seemingly beholden some loathsome hidden agenda.
If any of you happened to have been acquainted with Misook Nowlin or any of her wicked cohorts, or if you know or suspect anything no matter how slight regarding the truth of my daughter's killing, we'd like to hear from you.
In the mean time, in prison I have no internet access, and can't directly engage with you on Facebook as much as I'd love to. This page is managed by saintly others who may occasionally send my printouts of your posted remarks, and can get a message to me if needed.
The next best thing, however, is the pleasure of receiving mail, and the pass time of writing letters. Whether a former acquaintance or a complete stranger, I'd be honored to correspond with you the old fashioned analog way - by snail mail. Will gladly reply to all letters, I can be reached at:
Barton McNeil
5835 State Route 154
Pinckneyville, IL. 62274
Thank you again for your thoughts and concerns. And stay tuned as I'm likely to be returning to court before too long thanks to the noble efforts of the Illinois Innocence Project and the Exoneration Project.

For complete case details of Bart McNeil's case, including crime scene photos and 911 calls, go to freebart.org.

Not familiar with Bart McNeil's case? You're in luck.
Scott Reeder and the true crime podcast "Suspect Convictions" did an entire podcast series on Bart McNeil's fight for freedom and for justice for the 1998 murder of his 3-year-old daughter, Christina-including his desperate 911 call.
"Bart was convicted of the crime but has long maintained his innocence, claiming that an ex-girlfriend was the real killer-the same woman later convicted in a separate murder.
What's a normal reaction for a parent after their child dies?
There's no right or wrong answer, but that question is at the center of the first episode of Suspect Convictions, a joint reporting project between GLT and investigative journalist Scott Reeder" (Suspect Convictions Episode 1: Frantic 911 Calls Reveal Father's Grief; Willis Kern & Scott Reeder).
"Christina McNeil's lifeless body was found in her father Barton's Bloomington apartment on June 16, 1998. Barton McNeil was frantic as he called 911 about his unresponsive 3-year-old.
Prosecutors would later argue this was the voice of a murderer. McNeil was eventually convicted of killing his own daughter. McNeil's hysterical call to 911-and subsequent calls asking for police to return to the scene-were not admitted at his trial, nor was his alternative theory of the crime.
'This sounds like a desperate father to me,' Reeder said. 'This sounds like someone overwhelmed with grief, trying to function, trying to save his daughter.'" (Suspect Convictions Episode 1: Frantic 911 Calls Reveal Father's Grief; Willis Kern & Scott Reeder).


Intrigued by Bart McNeil's case but don't have time to read all those files? Join the crowd. However, I have found a wonderful way to tackle this problem...install a text-to-speech (TTS) app on your phone. Any HTML file can be easily opened by copying the address and pasting it into the app. Then you can listen to it in your car during your commute. Or on your way to that meeting that you forgot to read up on. Or while walking the treadmill at the gym. Or while you're doing your household chores. Or while the kids are being noisy and reading is not a viable option. Just pop in those ear buds and voila. It can also free you up to talk notes if you need to do so. And the list goes on...get creative. This little tool has made my life and time management so much easier.

Check out freebart.org to follow Bart's battle for freedom as it unfolds.

Visit freebart.org for the unfolding story of Bart McNeil's wrongful conviction, his personal fight to get justice for his daughter, Christina, and the legal battle by The Illinois Innocence Project and The Exoneration Project

Updated cover photo

Justice has been delayed for more than 20 years. It's time that Bart & his daughter, Christina, get the justice they deserved. What if your 3-year-old daughter had been murdered by a vicious serial killer, and you had been convicted of the unthinkable crime? Could you wait over 20 years for justice? www.freebart.org

There have been far too many wrongful convictions in the small county of McLean, IL, under the perverse tutelage of SA Charles Reynard. Reynard served from 1987 to 2002, during which time no less than six (6) innocent men were prosecuted and convicted (two have already been overturned due to prosecutorial misconduct). This is not just a mere pattern-it's an epidemic. How did that happen? Cut and dry abuse of power, that's how. And, Bart McNeil is still serving time for a crime he clearly did not commit. The citizens of McLean County should hold Reynard accountable for his no-less-than-evil deeds and demand HIS prosecution. He should have to serve, at the very least, as much time as he took from these innocent men. To date, his actions have stolen a minimum of no less than 113 years and counting. We're asking the people of McLean County to stand and demand justice and be thankful it wasn't you, because it so easily could have been. Not only do the citizens of McLean County deserve justice, but you also have the constitutional right to it. Be the change!

Today, on this National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims, our thoughts are on that of Christina McNeil, beloved daughter of Bart McNeil. She has been waiting 20 years to get justice for her murder. We pray that justice will soon be hers & her innocent father will be exonerated. www.freebart.org

BART MCNEIL knows how that feels, all too well. He has spent 20 years incarcerated for the death of his precious three-year-old daughter, Christina. In the coming months, you're going to hear a lot about Bart's case, as his fight takes center stage. Please support Bart as he continues to fight for his freedom and for justice for Christina. www.Freebart.org

Stay tuned...more to come!