Solitary Confinement 


Across the United States, federal and state adult prisons and local and federal jails reported on a given day in 2019 locking approximately 122,840 people in solitary confinement 22 or more hours a day.


Solitary confinement, even for short periods measured in days or hours, can have severely damaging effects. Yet, correctional facilities frequently hold individuals in solitary for extended periods spanning weeks, months, years, and even decades.

Data from the CLA and the Liman Center provides a concerning snapshot of this issue. In 2019, their research found that between 55,000 and 62,500 people had been subjected to prolonged solitary confinement, defined as 22 or more hours a day for at least 15 continuous days. Similarly, their 2021 snapshot revealed that between 41,000 and 48,000 individuals had endured such conditions.

Alarmingly, nearly a quarter of those in solitary had been isolated for years, with nearly 4 percent confined for over a decade. These extended durations underscore the severity of the solitary confinement problem in correctional facilities.

Federal and State Prisons and Local and Federal Jails
Across the United States, federal and state adult prisons and local and federal jails reported on a given day in 2019 locking approximately 122,840 people in solitary confinement 22 or more hours a day.

Further highlighting this issue is a finding from the Vera Institute of Justice. Their research showed that 58 percent of people held in solitary in jails nationwide had spent more than 15 days in isolation. This is particularly troubling given that the average total stay in jails is typically only 26 days.

A survey conducted by the Vera Institute of Justice, distributed to nearly all U.S. jails, found that 5.64% of inmates were in solitary confinement for 22+ hours a day at the time of the survey. As of midyear 2019, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reported 745,960 people in jails nationwide, with 734,470 in local jails and 11,490 in federal pre-trial detention. These numbers suggest that approximately 42,072 people were in solitary confinement for 22+ hours daily in mid-2019, including around 41,424 in local jails and 648 in federal pre-trial detention. 

A Report by Solitary Watch and the Unlock the Box Campaign May 2023