Christina's Story: Justice Denied

by Olivia Crawford
You would think that losing a child to a violent murder would have to be the most horrific thing that you could go through as a parent, right? Guess again. Try losing a child to a horrific murder and being arrested, tried, and convicted of that horrific crime. Can you even imagine? And, before you go thinking, "that can't happen," just ask Julie Rea, David Camm, Darlie Routier, Michelle Murphy, Kristine Bunch, and the list goes on and on. All high-profile cases--all law-abiding citizens, with no criminal record--ALL INNOCENT.
BART MCNEIL knows what they went through and are going through all too well. He has spent over 20 years incarcerated for the death of his precious three-year-old daughter, Christina. In the coming months, you're going to hear a lot about Bart's case, as his fight takes the front page. Please support Bart as he continues to fight for his freedom.
I. Julie Rea was convicted of killing her 10-year-old son largely on the testimony of bloodstain pattern analysts. She served 4 years before she was acquitted and exonerated, joining a growing community of Americans wrongly convicted with bad science.
II. Dave Camm, a decorated Indiana Police Officer, was wrongfully convicted of the murders of his family based on junk science. He served 13 years for the shooting death of his wife and children in the garage of their home in Georgetown, Indiana. David, a former Indiana State Police trooper, had been playing basketball with 11 other people at the time his wife and children were killed. He would be tried three times before proving his innocence.
III. Darlie Routier, 20 years served on Texas death row, wrongfully convicted of murdering
her two precious sons, is still fighting for her freedom.
IV. Michelle Murphy, served 20 years after awaking in the early morning of September 12, 1994, to find her infant son Travis dead on her kitchen floor. In 1995, a jury found Murphy guilty of stabbing to death her three-month-old son and sentenced her to life in prison without the possibility of parole. She was later exonerated.
V. Kristine Bunch served 17 years before her exoneration. Kristine was 22 and pregnant when she was found guilty of arson and the murder of her three-year-old son in Indiana. She was sentenced to 60 years in prison for murder and 50 years largely based on what was thought to be arson evidence at the time, which has since proven to be tantamount to voodoo.
© 2019 Olivia Crawford