The Causes of Wrongful Convictions
Wrongful Convictions:
A 12-Part Series
Identifying and Dissecting the Causes and Exploring Viable Solutions
1. Eyewitness Misidentification
Lyin' Eyes: Can Your Memory be Trusted?
2. Jailhouse Snitches
Jailhouse Snitches: Why should they be trusted?
3. Invalided Forensics
Forensics: Does science fail us or do people?
4. Inept Defense
When Your Life Depends on Grossly Inadequate Representation
5. Prosecutorial Misconduct
The Prosecution-Truth or No Consequences
6. False Accusations
When False Accusations are Treated as Gospel
7. Coerced Confessions
Your Truth or Mine?
8. Crimes that Never Occurred
Crime, what crime?
9. Coerced Corroboration
The most obscene form of quid pro quo
10. Jury Misconduct
Putting Your Life in the Hands of Twelve Strangers
11. Bail Reform
Can You Afford the Cost of Due Process?
The Kalief Brower Case
12. Plea Bargains
The grossest perversion of our legal system